Azquo Reporting Interface (ARI)

The Azquo Reporting Interface (ARI) is a spreadsheet with a set of vital differences

Azquo Reporting Interface (ARI)

The Azquo Reporting Interface (ARI) is fundamentally a spreadsheet but with a very substantially different twist. The core element of the Azquo means that data and logic are no longer intertwined within the spreadsheet.  Complex calculations of which Excel is capable can be executed outside the workbook.  This means that performance – and audit of the data – are extremely fast and effective.  Hence it’s true to say that Azquo frees Excel of it’s inherent limitations – Excel can be used as a window on any size of data set without practical limitations.   Companies of all sizes can access all their data without any SQL expertise and work within Excel to create new queries and present data that remains directly connected to its source.

A spreadsheet is often an opaque way to present complex data. Excel is especially hard to audit, but in combination with ASDMS, audit becomes easy. When Excel or any other spreadsheet is used as a window by Azquo onto a data set, it becomes not only limitless (from any practical perspective) in the volume of data it can handle but also completely transparent in terms of how the data has been constructed in any given cell.

To be clear, Azquo is not limited to rendering data within a spreadsheet but it is a very effective Reports Interface.  Excel is a superb way for people to assimilate and manipulate data. Row headings and column headings are a simple and effective way in which to present information: the very foundation of  the widespread use of Excel.  However, we all know that when making a presentation to colleagues or the Board, the following questions are hard to answer:

  • Where did this data come from?
  • What has been added up to arrive at the figures (in any given cell)?
  • When was this updated with the latest information?
  • Is the (long and complex) formula correct?

With Azquo, the hardest questions become simple to answer.

When data is displayed in an Azquo powered spreadsheet, all of these questions can be answered immediately and simply using a simple right mouse click on any cell.  This offers various functionality as follows:



This shows when the data in any cell has been changed, by whom and when. Furthermore, this will track and retain the source data of each change along the way from inception


this shows what has been added up to arrive at any given figure, in essence reducing formulae to understandable English and Mathematical explanations


the ability to highlight any figures that have been changed within a selectable variation of timeframes




the offers the ability to get directly back to the source of any information displayed.  This can be a multi-layer reversion depending on the set up required by the client.  (There are many alternative ways to set this up)



Region Definition

 a high level clarification of the make-up of the data within a cell, a quick reference guide.


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